What wor.my is doing for a sustainable world

We read and talk a lot environmentalism, sustainability, recycling, and how 7 billion people are not doing enough to protect the planet and live and work toward a sustainable future.
wor.my believes that every individual and every enterprise should do what they can within their own sphere and area. The responsibility should be taken by each and every one of us.
wor.my is proud to represent values that are contrary to today’s world of disposable products and products with a short lifecycle that are destined to be replaced every two year or so.
It is our responsibility to teach our kids how to preserve the planet for their children and grandchildren. And, we all know, that what works best is leading by example. For today’s children the lure is crushing to always switch to something more modern, more hip, more exciting – something new.
We believe that quality will always win over quantity and having one piece of any product that is both multifunctional and durable is better for the world, as well as our own de-cluttering plans and efforts.
And wor.my is just that.

It will stay with you for a great number of years – if not forever – and with its recyclable materials it will also provide you with a much-appreciated peace of mind. Aluminum, stainless steel and hardwood are all 100% recyclable.
In any area of our life, the conversations can never be too frequent or too lengthy about the importance of significantly cutting the use of plastic, and the dire state of plastic pollution. And this is especially true for our seas and oceans.
While we like to put the primary blame on straws and plastic bags, the real culprit is….. well, fishing gear.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the world’s largest and most famous collection of floating trash. The patch that is often described as “larger than Texas” lies between Hawaii and California, according to an article published by National Geographic in March 2018.
As it turns out, of the 79,000 metric tons of plastic in the patch, most of it is abandoned fishing gear – not plastic bottles or packaging drawing headlines today, NatGeo says.
Looking at the solutions being considered, it is obvious that the responsibility of manufacturers is enormous. The propositions include marking fishing gear at the manufacturing stage, promoting the development of biodegradable fishing pots, and encouraging innovative designs to make it easier to recycle the plastics used by the fishing industry, based on an article on UN Environment in December 2018. The key is to integrate fishing gear fully into a circular economy, they say.
It is estimated that between 600,000–800,000 metric tons of ghost gear enter the ocean each year, with some of it lost during storms and some deliberately dumped. Nick Mallos, Director of the Trash Free Seas Program at Ocean Conservancy, says this is likely a conservative estimate.
“While the threat from fishing gear is very different from that of consumer plastics, when we think about what the most appropriate and effective mechanism is to stop impact in the ocean, it’s exactly the same: let’s stop it at its source and prevent it from getting lost in the first place,” Mallos said.

2018 Dec

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